Sunday, October 30, 2005
*__f|NaL pArt oF tHe sTorY__*
Went to sing ktv after work yesterday again! This time got 9 persons - Me, Phoebe, Celine, Justine, Zeta, Min, Haur Ming, Leo and Charlie.. Was really very fun (as usual lah!)... This ktv session was only organised at 10.30 in the night, just half an hour before i dismiss from work! So it was rather sudden and i was almost reluntant to go because my back aches!!(I was the joker the whole afternoon and i was alone only lor.. tiring sia) But i went in the end la... LOL
When we went into our room, Phoebe snatch the remote control first and select her song while the guys ordered the drinks. They ordered the 3 jugs of Calsberg for $58++ package one but as i don't drink, i ordered CHOCOLATE MILK TEA(spoiler, i noe.. lol)... So later each person sing one song first... this time all sing not bad la compared to the last time when got Frank..(that was OMG lor! Haha)... But very fast, all the 3 jus of beer are drank finish by Zeta as he has to leave first... Then they ordered another 3 jugs of beer and carry on singing.
Later suddenly, there is this very sexy woman holding a jug of beer who came into our room(I initially tot she those Tiger woman trying to seduce men.. i so bad ah).. She should be in her early fourthies ba, then she tell us that she say she cannot finish the beer so she gave us one jug as we are beside her room only... all the guys were very excited lor... haha! Than she talk to us awhile and shake all our hands... then my perception of her changed abit le.. Later, Haur Ming and Justine went to the beside room and to their surprise...... the woman who came into one room just now(her name is Joanne) was married and was with her husband and her 2 kids who already in their early twenties! Haha... they must be very disappointed... Than later she gave us another jug for free... meaning the guys already drank 8 jugs of beer! I also drank a little but is not the Calsberg beer ah...... But the alcoholic drink that Justine "stole" from Marche... Haha
We really sang very high... We dance on the sofa lah, then cheers here cheers there one la, play scissors paper stone and the extreme is when Justine took off his clothes when he sing Alex To "tuo diao"! Cool sia! Haha.. really very very fun... And as i said, the guys drank alot of beer so some of them were abit "mabo" already... As the saying "tian xia wu bu san zi yan xi" goes, our time is ended and we have to leave le... Haizzzzzz.. Later i took a cab with Celine and Leo (the east side one), while Phoede, Charlie and Haur Ming(the north side one) took another cab la... Justine took a cab alone. Haha... then wat about Min leh? He is dead drunk and so he took the cab of the north side one and went to Charlie's house and spend a night over there.. Fuuunnnyyy... LOL
This is what happen on Saturday night la... but there is another thing happening that night... From my previous 2 posts, think u all might guess that A is me ba(otherwise how i would noe so much right?)... So before we went off from the ktv session, B(which is Charlie la) asked A in front of the rest of people whether do she have anything to explain to him(omg, crazy ah! Want A to say in front of some many people meh?).. Actually A longed wanted to explain to B but duno how to approach to B... So A didn't thought that she would explain him tt night until Phoebe msg A to call B to explain to him before she regret... So A called B and have a talk and made things cleared. B told A about his feelings and B realised that she was wrong of her to listen to other people. B said that he was really heartbroken tt time when A tell him they just remain as frens would be better. A felt very bad about it because if she would not have listen to others.... there will not be any unhappiness caused. But later, matters are cleared and the relationship between A and B is finally confirm... Now A is no longer troubled!!
From what have happened, i learn a lesson that one should not listen to others so easily. Just believe what your heart thinks. If not, unhappiness and misunderstandings which will not occur at all, happened(Chim ah, this sentence).

1:07 PM
Friday, October 28, 2005
*__Part II of the sTory__*
The story has not end yet... Here comes part II of the story...
Made a mistake! Is not one week before B ask A to be his girlfriend when B proposed to C. Is actually about 2 months already but i think is still a bit fast how B can change his heart! Heard from C that actually B really has feelings for A... Heard that B is being touched by A... so funny one ah! What did A do i also dunno eh! oh oh! How? A already has make things clear with B that they just remain as friends better because A thought she was being cheated by B and dun wan to be hurt. However, when A realised that B is true, she decided to give B another chance... A took the initiative to ask B out but was rejected.
And now the real problem come! B insisted that he respected A's decision just to remain as friends! Haiyoh... why like that one ah? When B want, A don't want. And When A wan, B doesn't want! How complicated can this 2 relationships be! Some how i think that A shouldn't have heard those rumours and let it affected her decision. Now A regretted what she told B but is to late. Now there is no other ways out and just wait and see the situation. A is really heartbroken!
On the other hand, F is getting more obvious with his actions and words to A. A initially thought of giving this F a chance when A decided to give up on B. But after hearing what C told A, A change her mind and decide to give another chance to B. A decided to wait for B and tell F to give up on her.Afterall, there might be a chance that A and B be together again or not at all. Think A is really tired of all these already. Hmmm... can someone tell A how? But again, A might not want to listen to any comments anymore and just follow her heart.

12:29 PM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
*__cOmP|icated RelaTionShip__*
Copy and paste this story from my fren's blog and thought it is quite interesting and would like to put into my blog too... got abit of editing as well too... the story goes like tt...
Once there is this girl, A, who gets to know this idiot guy, B. At first the relationship was a normal one. However due to some rumours, the A starts to fall for B.What is unknown to A is that B who claims that he have no girlfriend does not like her at all. All he wanted is to have fun and he does have a girlfriend, C. B kept leading her on, sending her smses and did other stuff which sent the wrong signals. A fell deeper and deeper in love for him, most people told her to give up but she is blinded by love, she seems to think that B reciprocated too.
Apparently there are alot of people who knew that B and C but it was kept like a secret so there are people who didn't know about it too. B and C are always on and off, I heard that when B's bored with the others he will always go back to C (how much truth it is, I don't know).B's mother had once told him that he can't have a girlfriend until he's 28 or 30 (I can't remember) and he too says that it is impossible for him and A to be together.
A knows another girl, D, D seems like a nice friend to A but what is unknown again is, D asked B to be her boyfriend when she herself has a boyfriend and when she knew that A has it hard for B. Due to this incident of D asking B to be her boyfriend, C appeared. Lately A gets to know C but she knew nothing about her real identity(But recently i heard that B has proposed to C before).The main reason for C's appearance because of D, as the both of them are not getting along too well with each other ( I've heard). And apparently C does not get bothered about A as she is of no threat to her at all.
Now comes the real problem! B asked the A to be his girlfriend and she agreed!I really really feel no justice for A. A seems to know something but she is willing to forget about the other things and go ahead to be with B.. I'm worried for A, she's just too innocent and naive, B's out there to con her and she willingly fall into his trap
I really hate B for cheating on A! I also dislike this D as I always thought she was a nice friend too! I hate myself who cannot tell A straight in the face about all these as I'd promise someone that I won't tell her about it. Am I really wrong to not let her know? I'm a terrible friend. Some people say that A have to learn it the hard way..
If A is still stubborn, I really wish that B is treating her well and he is sincere to her.
Here come my comments on this story... Heard that A doesn't like B at all at the first place. B has 2 weaknesses that she detest the most. Stupidly(Got such word anot ah?), A began to fall in love with B because of his misleading actions and smses. However, A doesn't know anything about the past of B and didn't bother. A knew alot of people told her to give up on B but A doesn't understand why. I mean those people who knew about the relationship between B and C should have told her the truth at the beginning instead of keeping her in the dark. Probably A might not fall too deep at the beginning. A only knew that B has proposed to C before only on the day when A agreed to be B's girlfriend! And the worst thing is that B proposed to C just one week before B asked A to be his girlfriend!
How cruel can one person be? The most cruel person is not one who have no feelings at all but is one who toyed with feelings! The person who told A about the relationship between B and C is D. I heard from D is that she asked B to be her boyfriend because she wanted to use B as an excuse to let E to give up on her. Whether issit true C appeared because D asked B to be her boyfriend i not sure. Anyway C told me if she knew about the relationship between A and B, she would not wan to work at Marche at the first place and she told mi that she has make things clear with B that they just remain as friends.
Back to A now. A was really hurt after she heard about the proposal. So instead of A asked B about the relationship between B and C, A decided to retreat and tell B they just remain as friends and pretend she doesn't know anything about the relationship between B and C as A doesn't want to make things difficult for B. So when A decided to give up on B, D said she regret telling A the relationship because D was wondering if B has really feelings for A after D saw the expression on B after A told B they just remain as friends. How complicated this relationship!! So whether if B really like A i also duno... I mean afterall, B somehow hinted A that he liked her or something? This i really duno... Should A believe that B liked her?
At the same time, a guy F appeared(woah, another character involved! So many ah...). F has feelings for A but F never told A about his feelings because F knows A like B. But after A told F that she decided to give up on B, F confess his liking for A. F told A that he can at least give her happiness compared to B. Woah... I thought this phrase will only happen in tv series... LOL.. Hmmm... so how? Should A believe that B really has feelings for her and wait or A should give a chance to F? Afterall, i believe that A still has feelings for that idiotic B.
Haha... oh ya! This is a real life story and it is happening in Marche. This is just one of the complicated relationships there. There are also many other relationships over there... While some ended into marriage, some ended as friends and even enemies! So if u dun wan to be involved in such complicated relationships, pls dun work at Marche... LOL

2:36 PM
Monday, October 03, 2005
__* mY b|rThDaY wEEk*__
yar... haha... yesTerday was my brthDaY!! OMG.. i already 20 years old!! Is another step to maturity le... haiz... anyway i celebrate my brithday with 3 different groups this year and i enjoy it!! LOL
30th September 2005, Friday
Went to sing Kbox with Xiaoyan a.k.a May from 11am-2pm! As usual, she will only sing FIR, Jolin or Elva songs.. i have sang ktv with her more than 10 times if i not wrong!! For mi, i like to sing mostly female songs as well but i also like to sing Jeff Chang songs!! He's my idol for 10 years already! I just found out that he just had a combine concert with Rong Zu Er and i dedicate almost all their duets! Also duno why, time seems to apst very fast when i sing ktv with her. So after tt, we went to P.S. and shopped a while until i went to meet 2 of my Marche frens, Goldie and Nisha at 6pm at Orchard. However, the assistant manager asked Goldie to work to 7-10pm tt day!! Only left me and Nisha, so i thought it will be quite boring. Luckily we saw Deborah on the way and she joined us for dinner. Went to a restaurant at cineleisure that is selling a pasta set for only $7.90++. As usual, all these ++ will add up to alot and indeed it add up to $15!! twice the original price! However, we enjoy the dinner plus the scenery outside Cineleisure plus all the gossiping! LOL... later at 930 Nisha left and me and Deborah went to Marche to meet her boyfren... So after 10pm when Goldie and Jacinth dismiss from work, we carry on with our second part of the night! We went to Marche and eat until 1130 again!! Eat and Eat and Eat!! Was planning to midnight ktv but was cancelled in the end... Later took the Marche transport home and that was the end of Friday.
1st October 2005, Saturday
Abit pathetic la but there was no celebration for mi tt day. Was supposed to meet my secondary school group one but all of them was not free. Already miss 2 birthday celebrations le! Just one week before my birthday was another of our group member birthday but we didnt celebrate also... so i decided to work on tt day 6pm-12am, meaning will overlap my birthday!! Haha... so at 12 am when we are waiting for our last role call, they sang a birthday for mi la.. Not bad la.. quite happy when suddenly, somebody poured a bucket of water on mi!! Stupid Sazali! Is not a small bucket ah!! But that was not the end of it... Another guy, Bradley, poured watermelon juice on mi that was actually meant for us to drink!! I totally drenched lor! Nvm, luckily i was in my uniform and i still can change to my home clothes.. Another thing is that they are not aware that today was also Razi's birthday! So when i told them, they poured a bottle of Heineken on him! Waste beer... LOL
So later when i change to my home clothes, it was still wet and Evelyn offered mi her T-shirt. How nice of her... so later when i went out of Marche, stupid Razi poured Heineken on mi again! No more clothes le la! than have to go back to Marche to wash myself again... Finally is over.. So later we went to sing ktv with all the china people... Got Jessie la, Frank, Romeo and Charlie.. Hahahaha.. so can u imagine singing with China people with their slang? Coincidencely, 3 of the Mynamar staff in Marche, Zeta, Min and Justine, also went to sing ktv at Partyworld with their frens. So later when we stepped inside our room, they dedicate a birthday song for mi. It has a combination of 3 languages - Chinese, English and Cantonese. Quite touched la.. haha.. but the funny thing is Frank when he sang out of tune or the rythem went out... Cannot stand him... Next time i also dun wan to sing ktv with him le... LOL. After the birthday song, Min and Zeta came to our room and sing for a while. Haha! Each person sing have their own style of singing and i think i was laughing more than singing tt time... LOL! But the funniest was still Frank. HAHAHA. By the time we left Partyworld, is already 4.15am in the morning!! Luckily, i was not working on the next day but the rest are working as early as 11 am. So we took a cab home and when i slept, is already 5.30am and that was the end of Saturday.
2nd October 2005, Sunday
Is my actual birthday today!! Was supposed to celebrate with Veron, Winnie, Yanru and Marie, however all was not free except Veron... haha.. Only 1 person celebrate with mi on my actual birthday! Ke lian.. haha.. Actually wanted to sing ktv again but better not since i already sang ktv for 2 consecutive days!! See la.. life is so boring in Singapore! The only entertainment is Ktv, movie and shopping and nothing else... Haha... so me and Veron decided to watch movie lor... No choice! So we met at 2.30 at p.s. and went to book tickets first. We decided to buy the Corpse bride which is showing at 5.10pm meaning we got more than 2 and a half hours! So we went to eat the pasta set going at $8.95. As usual, all those ++ again lead to $15!! Was very very full after the meal which lasted mi the whole day and night of Sunday. So after our meal, we still have abit of time and we went shopping. Veron bought mi a Giordano t-shirt which i longed to buy! Haha... thanks to you ah if you got read my blog! Too bad if u didnt read it... LOL
So later we went to the cinema theatre about 5.10... The movie was rather short, lasted only about 75 mins after deducting all the advertisements time. Thought was not quite worth $$ la cause it is so short!! $9.50 can sing ktv for 5 hrs lor for students! But the characters are quite cute la so forget bout the price la! Haha.. consoling myself... After that we went to take lovegety and i went to meet my sis at bout 8 pm. Only went shopping with my sis at the This Fashion outlet at Dhoby Ghaut. After that, we went home and that's was my end of yesterday. So overall i really enjoy my birthday outings especially the ktv session with the Marche staff! Haha...

2:41 PM