Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Went to watch Ratatouille last Sunday! Let me start from the morning.. Went to meet Mr. Q at 11am for breakfast at bugis junction.. (Who is Mr. Q? Well, somebody lah, haha). Well i wanted to eat the western breakfast at the food court at the basement, but Mr Q told me tt the food court has shift to the third floor, which The Edge was initially there. Before that, The Edge was really quiet, and think they are not making anuy business and therefore, think it is a smart choice if they shift The Edge to the basement where the crowd is and the food court to the top as everyone nid to eat right? Haha.. Well, we ate roti prata, including tissue prata! (Whats tt again? TT one lah! The one which is very very crispy and the wrap it like a cone.. Haha)
Later, went for band practice at Ulu Pandan Community Club at Buona Vista.. Played quite a few pieces.. Band was fun lah and i missed playing the clarinet after i quit my secondary school band in Sec 3. 6 years nv play le... Haha!I was among the oldest in the band, but most importantly, i looked younger than most of them =). There will be an upcoming performance in one of the shopping centres in Singapore, and there will also be a tentative overseas trip for us in next year,
After band, rushed down to Vivocity to meet the Filippinos in my restaurant and CJ, an Nepalese guy working in my restaurant also, to watch Ratatouille! Loved the movie since i first seen the thriller.. Haha.. So there is supposed to be a movie screening at 7pm, so i told the Filippinos to reach earlier to buy the tickets as i expect it will be full house. However, when i reached there at 6.10pm, nobody was here yet! And when i checked with the ticket office, all the shows are full except the first row! Faint, but i did not buy yet lah cause dunno wat time will thety come. So about 6.30pm, CJ arrived and he bought 6 tickets at 8.55pm cause is the only time that can accomodate all 6 of us in 1 row. So went to look for one of the Filippinos who has already arrived, Cheryl. Haha, she said she was at the MRT, so we went there to look for her, bout we walked round and round and round for 20 mins but still no sight of her! So tired sia... Haha.. But anyway we managed to find her in the end.. So next, we called and text the other 2 Filippinos but no response! And who knows , they are not joining us! So we had 3 tickets extra! Luckily one of CJ's fren came and so we had 2 tickets extra! We tried to look for some buyers at tbe ticket office but seems quite difficult and one of the ticket office lady is very unwillingly to help us. But luckily again, i tried my luck asking the male ticket officer and he say no problem, he can help me refund! Can refund one meh??!!! Haha.. Maybe i use mei3 se4! Haha.. And the moral of the story is not to go out with them anymore... But anyway we went inside the counter and took some pictures with Rat-a-too-ee poster! Haha.. And guess wat, i asked if the ticket office can give me the ratatouille cap they r wearing! -_-" We later went to the theatre inside and sit at the first row.. Hahah.. This is my second time sitting at the first row, the first was Anna and the King. Was quite okay lah, cause the first row was quite a distance from the screen and the theatre was filled with kids lor! The show was then hilarious and funny and nice! And the introduction was something unexpected.. Haha.. Now i shall tell wats the story about, so if u have not watch and wat to watch, i recommend u not to read it anymore... Haha
The introduction starts with an spaceship came to Linguini's house and he was sleeping, So this alien, dunno is student or child lah, was trying to suck linguini into the spaceship... However, after several attempts, which the alien student or child trial and error on the buttons, still failed! Haha, and poor linguini knock against the wall, ceiling, ground, and he still can sleep! Haha! And finally when the small alien succeed in absorb linguini, he pressed the wrong button and linguini fell back inside his house! Haha.. Nice starting!
So the beginning of the show shows Rémy, who lives in a rat colony in the attic of a French country home with his brother Émile and father Django. Inspired by France's recently deceased top chef, Auguste Gusteau (Brad Garrett), Rémy tries to live the life of a gourmet. Not appreciating his talents, his clan puts him to work sniffing for rat poison in their food.
Rémy and the rats flee the house when the resident, an old woman, discovers the colony. Rémy, separated from the others, floats in the storm drains to Paris on a cookbook by Gusteau, following the chef's image to his namesake restaurant, now run by former sous-chef Skinner. As Rémy watches from a skylight a young man with no culinary talent, Alfredo Linguini, arrives with a letter of introduction from his recently deceased mother, and is hired on to do janitorial duties. Linguini spills a pot of soup and attempts to cover up his mistake by adding random ingredients. Upset, Rémy falls into the kitchen and attempts to fix the ruined soup rather than trying to escape. Linguini catches Rémy in the act, just as Skinner catches Linguini. In the confusion some of the soup has been served. However, the guest like it!
The kitchen's sole woman cook, Colette convinces Skinner not to fire Linguini provided he can recreate the soup. Skinner orders him to take Rémy away, but he begins an alliance by which Rémy secretly directs Linguini in return for his protection. The two perfect a marionette-like arrangement by which Rémy tugs at Linguini's hair to control his movements and stays hidden under Linguini's toque blanche.
Skinner plies Linguini with vintage Château Latour in an unsuccessful attempt to discover the secret of his unexpected talents. The next morning, hung over and disheveled, Linguini nearly confides his secret to Colette. Desperately trying to stop Linguini, Rémy pulls his hair, making him fall on Colette, leading the two to kiss. They begin dating, leaving Rémy feeling abandoned. Meanwhile, Skinner learns after some sleuthing that, unknown to everyone, Linguini is in fact Gusteau's son and stands to inherit the restaurant. This would thwart Skinner's ambition to exploit Gusteau's image to market prepared frozen foods.
One night Rémy and his colony are reunited. While scrounging food Rémy discovers Gusteau's will which, after a chase by Skinner, he presents to Linguini. Linguini now owns the restaurant, fires Skinner, and becomes a rising star in the culinary world. After a falling out, Linguini decides he no longer needs Rémy, and Rémy retaliates by leading a kitchen raid for his rat colony. Linguini attempts to apologize to Rémy, only to discover and kick out his whole colony. Rémy feels guilty about hurting his friend, and refuses to join them in resuming the raid.
Things come to a head the night of a planned review by jaded food critic Anton Ego. Linguini, unable to cook without the rat's guidance, admits his ruse to the staff when Rémy shows up, leading them all to walk out. Colette returns after thinking through Gusteau's motto, "Anyone can cook!" Django, inspired by his son's courage, returns with the entire rat colony to cook under Rémy's direction, while Linguini, discovering his true talent, waits tables on roller skates. Colette helps Rémy prepare ratatouille; Rémy's new recipe produces a dish so good that, in the climax of the film, a bite of it leads Ego to relive childhood memories of his mother(This part very funny!!!). Ego asks to meet the chef but Colette insists he must wait until the rest of the diners have left. At the end of the service, Rémy and the rats are revealed. A changed man, Ego writes a glowing review, declaring that the chef at Gusteau's is the greatest chef in all of France.
In the denouement Gusteau's is closed by a health inspector, who finds the rats after being tipped off by Skinner. Ego loses his credibility and job when the public discovers he has praised a rat-infested restaurant. Everything is for the best, however; with Ego as investor and regular patron, Linguini, Colette, and Rémy open a successful new bistro called "La Ratatouille," which includes a kitchen and dining facilities for both rats and humans.
Haha, copy and paste from Wikipedia, the show is really nice! 10/10! Going to buy the VCD and keep, of course pirated... Haha

12:51 PM
My Birthday List!
Finally my birthday is coming! Officially announced 4 WEEKS LATER!
Is better for me to put my wishlist and telling all my friends what i want right better than somebody like VERON, whom me, winnie, yanru and marie bought for her a PUMA bag worth $60, haha, in the end she never use and gave her sister! Faint.. Haiyoh! And there were also times when i receive presents which I dun really used... Haha.. So this is my wishlist.. Hehe
1. Precious moments figurine (I want the one with both the boy and girl, and the best with a dog and cat together, hehe, and it will be taken care off by my uni frens... HAHA)
2. Hello Kitty antique phone (taken care off by my another group of uni frens... HAHAHA)
3. Wallet Shop vouchers
4. Fossil vouchers
5. Cartoon jigsaw puzzle from Jigsaw Puzzle World
6. PSP(Impossible i know.. Haha..)
7, Mickey Mouse laptopbag from M industry
Ok, that's it for now, not alot right? Haha.. Thanks!

12:27 PM